Chief Minister, Pu Lal Thanhawla kaihhruaiin vawiin chawhnu dar 1 atang khan Chief Secretary Conference Room-ah Cabinet Meeting neih a ni a, an thutlukna siamte nghah mek a ni.



Thil pawimawh ngaihtuah tur an chhawpchhuah 14 zingah chuan Mizoram sorkar hnathawkte hlawh Pay Commission 7-na rawtn siam anga pek ve-na tur, The 7th Central Revision of Pay (as modified & extendend to the employees under the Govt. of Mizoram) Rules, 2018 leh hlawhbi thar ken tel Allowance pek ve dan tur te, Directorate of Social Welfare Deptt. Department pahnih, Social Welfare & Tribal Affairs Deptt. leh Women & Child Development Deptt.-a \henhran rawtna te, Ministerial Service (Amendment) Rules, 2017 te, Health & Family Welfare Deptt. hnuaia GNM School leh ANM School tana hna 50 siam belh rawtna te, Govt. Higher Secondary School tana vocational education teachers hna 36 siam rawtna te, The Mizoram Private Security Agencies (Amendment) Rules, 2018 te, The Mizoram Home Guard Bill, 2018 te, The Mizoram Essential Services (Amendment) Bill, 2018 te leh Mizoram Lotteries Regulations Rules, 2018 te a tel a, Mizoram Home Guard Bill 2018 leh Mizoram Essential Services (Amendment) Bill, 2018 te hi Cabinet Meeting-in a pawmpui hnuah Mizoram Assembly Session-ah pass tura put luh a la ni dawn a ni.